It's rosella time.
Not the parrots, the bushes, which means. . . the jam (or jelly if you want the American translation).
Often, we in the tropics bemoan the fact that we don't have many of the beautiful flowers and fruits that our temperate climate cousins enjoy. I know I do. But sometimes there are little compensations. Rosella jam is one of them. It is actually made from the colourful bract that contains the seed. The seed is used for providing the pectin in the jam making process, but they are then discarded after the jam is made and not left in the jam.
What does it taste like? That is difficult to describe. It has a tang - a bit like raspberry or marmalade, but it has a flavour like nothing else. The perfect balance of sweet and sour really. Maybe a bit like rose hips with zing. No, that doesn't describe it. You'll have to get some and try it.
Another wonderful thing about rosellas is they are good for you. Really good! Research has (apparently) proven that rosella juice can lower blood pressure and has cancer fighting properties. I'm always a bit sceptical of these types of claims until I know who did the research and who paid for it and how it was done. But since rosella jam tastes so great, I'll gobble it down and if it does me some good that is a double bonus.
Another bonus - they self-seed and thrive on neglect.
My rosellas are living proof of that.