A new header for my blog is a fairly time consuming thing. It's not that I'm time poor. It's just a matter of priority. I will produce a new header in the not too distant future (I hope). In the mean time you need to know that one of the grandchildren is missing from my header. She is nearly a year old. That's how slack I've been. So here is one of the latest photos of our little Ladybug with her mummy, Juliette. You can visit their blog
All of our family have bloggy nom de plumes for security and it is always a BIG decision when we have to decide on a new one for a new grandchild. After all, it has to reflect some of their character and be positive. None of them will ever be a "Spider" if I have my way. Our Ladybug is soooo cute and colourful - like her namesake.
Of course since the last header update the other five have grown too. So you were wondering if I have any recent photos of them too. I'm so glad you asked. Here is Little Bear looking gorgeous as usual, but sort of quiet, even pensive, definitely NOT as usual. Don't be fooled by the photo! Little Bear is the most impulsive and overactive energetic of all of the grandchildren. She can be giggly, teary, cranky, haughty, sweet, charming, cuddly - and all within the space of a minute.
Here is Monkey in a pose that I often see, but will never take for granted - running towards me with outstretched arms, usually yelling "Mammar!" as loud as he can at the same time. How can you not love that? That's Mr Sunshine and Dragon in the background.
Here are Monkey's big brothers with their cousin Little Bear. That is Dragon in the middle and Lion on the end. Lion is a bit like the Lion in the Wizard of Oz in that he often has that serious, slightly worried expression. He can be very serious for a little fellow, but he also has the most adorable loving and cuddly nature with a great sense of humour. Dragon is always ready for fun and it is much more rare to catch him with a worried look.
That only leaves Cheetah - the oldest - our first grandchild. Cheetah was an OG (only grandchild) for 5 years before Lion came along. I'll leave him out for now because soon he will be having a little holiday with us and I will make sure I feature him then.
Maybe with some fresh photos I'll find the time to update the header. Maybe.