We pulled down our huge roller blind to act as a backdrop and set up the tripod and camera and, hey presto! we had our studio. I was there mainly to prevent him from tripping over the tripod in his haste to check his settings and review his photos and sending my precious camera onto the unforgiving tiles, but I did give some tuition along the way. During the studio session part of the exercise, Cheetah learned a bit about white balance, composition and depth of field. 89 photos later. . . and he was ready to hand over the remote and download the photos.
Not content with just being a child prodigy photographer, he wanted to learn and do his own photo editing as well. The results are here to be seen. Entirely his own ideas and his own work. We opened up Picasa 3 (great free photo editor from google), I gave him a few minutes to experiment and get the hang of the program and his imagination obviously took over.
I only intervened when he wanted to post a reward on the wanted poster. Paranoid Grannysaurus could just imagine some nutter taking it seriously. I still feel a bit twitchy about the "dead or alive" issue.
It's hard to believe that these creative pics are all entirely his own work at 9 years old, but I promise you they are.
I'm sure he would love to read your comments if you are as impressed with his artistic flair as I am.

Absolutely gorgeous.
ReplyDeleteThat second one definitely looks like the shots they show on "True Crime" & stuff where they make it look like the person was always a bad egg right from the start.
Lucky I know that isn't our Cheetah.
Cheetah just came out & saw them.
ReplyDeleteThe second one is his favourite (should I be worried?) and the last one "shows his dark side".
Star Wars movies, too many he has seen, I fear.
Great Job Cheetah!
ReplyDeleteI'd just like to point out that I bought him his first camera... It was made by fisher price and showed a cute little animal in the viewfinder but I'll claim that... or perhaps he did absorb something when I stashed him under tables to hide him from lecturers in the photography lab while his mummy was doing her music stuff... either way I'll claim his prodigy-ness :)