Sunday, May 3, 2009

Cuddles rides again

This is an old photograph of Jingles.
Uncle Jingles is now 22, but when he was a little tike, grandad (my dad) took him to a big toy store in Sydney that sold nothing but teddy bears. In fact two floors of teddy bears. You can imagine what a 3 year old thought of that. There were teddies of every colour, shape and size. Every teddy had its own certificate of baptism. Truly!
Jingles chose the teddy he wanted - not the biggest teddy or the best dressed teddy, just the right soft, cuddly blue teddy to cuddle up to in bed. The teddy's name was on his baptism certificate already, "Cuddles". Very appropriate. So we took Cuddles home and he was always a favourite.
Eventually, Jingles grew up, got married and left Cuddles behind. By then we had Lion and Dragon and Cheetah and Little Bear often coming to visit so Cuddles never got lonely for long.
But Dragon has taken a special interest in Cuddles, whom he calls Huggles. He has even taken Cuddles/Huggles home to stay with him and Lion for a few weeks, but Cuddles belongs here and comes back to wait for Dragons next visit. Cuddles is never disappointed. Dragon always takes Cuddles for a little walk around the house and once even around the whole park. They make such a cute pair.
Cuddles is one lucky little bear.

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  1. I've seen that jingles photo a zillion times. I always thought lion was the one that looked like him but that could easily be a photo of dragon sleeping... With much longer hair:)

  2. Happy Belated Birthday for Saturday.

    Cute photo montage - cute subject too.

  3. Happy Belated birthday! Hope you enjoyed the cake. That sure is one very loved teddy!


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Mr. Sunshine & Grannysaurus

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About Me

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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I have worked as a Biology lab assistant, Pathology lab assistant, geochem lab assistant, land tenure researcher, hospital and prison chaplain, parish care coordinator and part owner of a small business. I have studied some science (no degrees) and have a theology and a chaplaincy certificate. I still love science of all types and enjoy studying theology. Science and theology belong together. At present I am a work-at-home Grannysaurus.

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