Monday, May 11, 2009

How do you celebrate Mother's Day?

I hope this will NOT be a family tradition, but my grandsons celebrated Mother's Day by digging an enormous hole in my backyard just for the fun of it. I don't need a hole in my backyard.

Dragon and Little Bear weren't supposed to be joining in, in case they got accidentally hurt by the amateur gardeners' lack of workplace safety, but somehow they managed to escape to the great outdoors a few times. Aunty and Uncle Jingles tried to entice Little Bear back to relative safety (unintended pun).

The menu for the afternoon centred around the poffertjes (tiny dutch pancakes) made with Grannysaurus' new pancake maker. In the photo they are served with icecream, cream, powdered sugar and berry sauce. Dragon preferred his with camel sauce.
Maybe that is something our government could do with the millions of feral camels that roam the outback.

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1 comment:

  1. Hope your Mother's Day was happy and that they planted something yummy or pretty in the big gaping hole!

    Mrs. Nurse Boy


Granny's tunes

Mr. Sunshine & Grannysaurus

Mr. Sunshine & Grannysaurus


About Me

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Townsville, Queensland, Australia
I have worked as a Biology lab assistant, Pathology lab assistant, geochem lab assistant, land tenure researcher, hospital and prison chaplain, parish care coordinator and part owner of a small business. I have studied some science (no degrees) and have a theology and a chaplaincy certificate. I still love science of all types and enjoy studying theology. Science and theology belong together. At present I am a work-at-home Grannysaurus.

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